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A Short Guide to Gospel Generosity: Giving as an Act of Grace (Hardcover)

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We live in a possession and money obsessed culture.

The normal American has far more than they need, yet still feel incredibly insecure, needing to grasp it all tightly and continue to gain more. This isn’t just true with our acquisition of things, but also in the way we approach all resources that God has given to us: our time, gifts and talents, our families, and our lives themselves. What is the solution to this problem?

Throughout Gospel Generosity you will see how the answer to our obsession with possessions is turning to the Gospel. It's only in the Gospel can we find the type of life transformation that enables us to turn our focus from ourselves to others, to give generously, and follow the way of Christ. God has modeled generosity throughout redemptive history, culminating in the gift of His Son, and this sacrificial generosity is the basis of true gospel generosity. Readers of this book will be called to consider all of their resources and gifts from God that are to be held loosely, ready to be used for God’s purposes. Everything is His anyway.

Gospel generosity is simply giving that is rooted in the saving work of Jesus Christ. It is the Christian’s joyful awareness of what Christ has done for them and how they are privileged to participate in proclaiming that work through giving and advancing the Gospel. Generosity sprouts from the Gospel and bears fruit for the Gospel.

In Gospel Generosity you will explore topics such as:
  • Giving is an issue of our heart, health, and service to God
  • Tithing is not a required practice of New Testament believers
  • The Kingdom of God calls Christians to humility, selflessness, and fidelity in giving
  • Called by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Christians give generously as an act of Grace to others until Jesus returns

About the Author

Nathan W. Harris (Ph.D. New Testament, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the vice president of advancement at Grace College & Seminary in Winona Lake, IN. Nathan is passionate about Christian philanthropy and communicating how the Gospel of Jesus Christ transforms the way Christians view and participate in generosity and stewardship. Aside from working in fundraising, Nathan has taught courses on the New Testament, Hermeneutics, and Theology. Nathan has over a decade of experience in Christian higher education and local church ministry. Above all, his greatest joy is his family: his wife, Kelsey, two boys, Noah and Jude; and beloved goldendoodle, Charlie (named in honor of Charles Spurgeon).

Praise For…

“Nathan Harris has provided thoughtful reflections regarding Christian stewardship based on the magnanimous mercy and generous grace of God in Christ. Grounded in a grace-filled reading of both the Old and New Testaments, Harris offers his appeal for generous giving based on the good news that our lives have been radically transformed by the gospel. We pray that this book will be used of God to encourage all of us toward more faithful, joyful, selfless, and humble giving for the glory of God, for service to others, and for the advancement of Christ's kingdom.”
—David S. Dockery, President, International Alliance for Christian Education; President, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

“Christians know they should be generous. But what exactly does that mean? Nathan Harris shows how generosity is rooted in the gospel, driven by a transformed heart, and motivated by a desire to make Jesus known. This book is ideal for small group study or for anyone who wants to grow in their faithfulness to Jesus. Highly recommended!”
—Matthew S. Harmon, Professor of New Testament studies, Grace Theological Seminary

"If you want to be encouraged toward generosity, Nathan Harris' Gospel Generosity is a book you need to read. Too many voices on the subject disconnect generosity from the liberating grace of the gospel, leaving Christians with nothing to compel their generosity but guilt and "do better" mentalities. But if the risen Christ really is King and his good news is true, then the fundamental dynamics of generosity are radically transformed. This book will challenge you in all the right ways. But even more, it will remind you that generosity is rooted not in what we do for God, but in what He has already done for us in Christ Jesus."
—Matthew J. Hall, Provost, Biola University

“This small volume contains the key to unlocking your generosity. Moving beyond tradition, law, and expectation, Harris drives readers into the text of Scripture to demonstrate how Christians share the Gospel though living generously! If you have ever wondered about how the Gospel connects to your giving, start here, apply what you learn, and see what God will do through you!” 
—Dr. John Mark Yeats, President, Corban University

"In Gospel Generosity, Dr. Harris discusses deep, theologic truths of Scripture while applying those truths with great simplicity to how we as Christians should be generous. This book is a helpful guide for any ministry leader or pastor, and for any believer who desires to understand how the gospel inspires generous hearts." 
—Dr. Drew Flamm, President, Grace College & Seminary

"How we think about generosity as Christians must be completely linked to the good news of God’s generosity to us in Jesus Christ. I am thankful Nathan Harris has written this book which I believe will be a helpful resource for churches in teaching generosity that is not coerced or driven by guilt, but rather as a response to our generous God. I will definitely be ordering copies for our local church."
—Dean Inserra, Pastor, City Church, Tallahassee, Florida and author of The Unsaved Christian

"Nathan Harris has made a valuable contribution to a biblical, gospel-centered understanding of generosity as a joyful expression of God’s generosity to us. It won’t take long as you read to realize that you are immersed in a thoroughly biblical exploration of all that God has in store for every faithful follower of the Lord Jesus Christ who lives a life of generosity. But Gospel Generosity is not only steeped in biblical insight, you also get to walk alongside your guide, who exudes the joy and life-changing experience of Gospel generosity.

An added benefit of this study is that at the close of each chapter, the author poses several provocative questions that will enable you, the reader, or a group that is studying this topic together, to interact with the biblical wisdom what has just been read.

If you are a pastor who struggles with how to winsomely present biblical teaching on generosity, or a thoughtful Christian who wants to grow into the joy of a generous life, you will find wisdom and treasure in Gospel Generosity."
—R. Mark Dillon, PhD Senior VP and Founder, Generis Advancement Generis Partners, LLC

"Nathan Harris is right, we don’t like to talk about money and that often leads to us not having a Biblical foundation of how to use it. Whether you have long sensed your spiritual gift is generosity or you struggle trying to control every penny of your money, Gospel Generosity will help you see this topic with much more Biblical clarity and love. None of us wants to be hard-hearted and yet we tend to head that direction where money is concerned, thinking our way is best. Let a wise guide lead you through God’s Word and let God’s Spirit lead you to gospel generosity in the process." —Samuel W. "Dub" Oliver, Ph.D., President of Union University

The topic of Christian giving is one that many find difficult to talk about. Nathan Harris takes this sensitive topic and engages it in an upbeat, engaging way that provides biblical clarity and practical implications. This short book compels personal growth and serves as a resource for teaching this important topic within the church context. I commend it to you!
—Dr. Nick Gatzke, Sr. Pastor, Old North Church, Canfield, OH, and Bible Teacher for A Better Word

Product Details
ISBN: 9781087787640
ISBN-10: 1087787645
Publisher: B&H Books
Publication Date: March 12th, 2024
Pages: 192
Language: English